Monthly Archives: April 2020

How To Improve Acne

Acne is not only a huge problem for many, but hard to get rid of, especially when there are several treatment options that one can choose from, which are based on a variety of factors like the person’s age, skin type, and so on. Consequently, everyone reacts to certain remedies differently as opposed to others, so what may work great for one person, may cause issues for another. 

In turn, it’s always smart to start with natural steps first, before seeking out a prescribed form of treatment from a medically licensed expert. When you implement changes in your life – in order to prevent the continuation of acne – you may begin to notice certain things that were the main source of it in the first place. One example of this is if someone wears makeup every day. In doing so, this can clog their pores, and make it harder and harder for them to stumble upon results. 

However, it is not unheard of for people who struggle with acne to still wear makeup. For there are alternatives that one can look out for, such as checking the brand that they are using, and the ingredients that are used in that particular item. The reason behind this is because their skin could be reacting to that which is being applied. As a result, many will find that once they give up using certain products in favor of others – or revert to not wearing any at all – that the amount of acne that they experience will begin to decrease, and/or even disappear completely.

Another factor to take into consideration is the person’s age because that can play a role in how minor or severe their acne is. For example, “Teens get acne because of the hormonal changes that come with puberty.” Not only that but “as the body begins to mature and develop, hormones stimulate the sebaceous glands to make more sebum.” Fortunately, in most cases, aging itself serves as one of the greatest healers for many because with it comes the disappearance of acne. 

The third and final factor is a person’s skin type. Some may have naturally dry skin, but for those who have naturally oily skin, a host of problems can occur in the acne area. Clogged pores are the main issue that arises from this, which is why it is so important for one to understand their skin type so that they can make the necessary and needed changes. But if problems still arise then seeking out an expert never ceases to be the best option. 

Four Main Factors of Acne

Acne can be both a pain and a problem to anyone who has experienced it at some point in his/her past or is still doing so in his/her current day to day life. For many, acne will come and go, but for others, adolescence doesn’t rid them from the problem as it does for others. In turn, acne is defined as “the occurrence of inflamed or infected sebaceous glands in the skin, in particular, a condition characterized by red pimples on the face, prevalent chiefly among teenagers.” 

Consequently, this can cause a number of individuals to feel self-conscious when seen by the outside world and enable an increased amount of damage to be done to their self-esteem and/or character. Yet, even so, some fail to understand the cause – and/or causes – of their acne, but some are listed as follows; “excess oil production, hair follicles clogged by oil and dead skin cells, bacteria, excess activity of a type of hormone (androgens).” With that being said, these causes are four of the main overall factors that have a direct connection to the development of acne. 

First and foremost is excess oil production. A misconception that many live by is that oily skin is bad, but the fact of the matter is that oil is good for your skin. Sebum is “the waxy, oily substance that protects and hydrates the skin.” Without this substance, the skin wouldn’t be protected in the way that it should be, but for some their glands can produce an excess amount of oil, which is one of the ways that acne begins to take place, as pores become more and more clogged. Then there are things like bacteria that can cause the skin to become aggravated – or irritated – resulting in a breakout, among other factors such as clogged hair follicles, dead skin cells, and overactive hormones. 

In conclusion, it’s important that all of these factors be taken into consideration so that one can better determine the reason why he/she has just recently begun to develop acne or is dealing with acne that is reoccurring, stubborn, and/or refuses to go away. Although most acne can be prevented from right in the comforts of one’s own home – when recognizing these factors – others may need the assistance of someone with a broadened knowledge in regard to the issue like a dermatologist, doctor, and/or other medical experts.